The commercial DRAOCHVINN S.L provided with CIF B-98906480, and with registered office in Valencia, Calle Pintor Jacomart, nº49, hereinafter ATELUR, is responsible and owner of the website, in which it offers a service of calculation of algorithms to play roulette.
This document sets out the conditions under which ATELUR articulates its partners policy, through which it offers third parties commissions for providing customers with the service it offers
I.- Object of the contract.
By means of this agreement ATELUR undertakes to pay commissions to its partners for the registration in the service of users who register using the partner’s registration code. The payment of these commissions will be made according to the following criteria:
– Less than 500 active users contributed. In order to receive commissions, you must simultaneously count on the web with five hundred (500) or more active users contributed by the partner. If this does not happen, there is no right to receive commissions from the partner.
– 500 or more active users. Partners who have contributed at least 500 (500) users who remain active on the web, will be entitled to receive 10% of the monthly fees paid by those users. Based on a monthly fee of nineteen euros and ninety-five cents (€ 19.95) per user, the partner who has contributed five hundred (500) or more users will be entitled to receive two euros (€ 2) per month ( VAT and other taxes included) for each active user that has contributed.
– 1000 or more active users contributed. In the case of partners who have contributed 1000 or more users who remain active, they will be entitled to receive 15% (instead of 10%) of the fees paid by the active users of the web that they have contributed . Based on a monthly fee of nineteen euros and ninety-five cents (€ 19.95) per user, the partner who has contributed one thousand (1000) or more users will be entitled to receive three euros (€ 3) per month (VAT and other taxes included) for each active user that has contributed.
– 2000 or more contributed users. In the case of partners who have contributed two thousand (2000) or more users who remain active, they will be entitled to receive 20% (instead of 10% or 15%) of the quotas paid by the active users of the web that they have contributed. Based on a monthly fee of nineteen euros and ninety-five cents (€ 19.95) per user, the partner who has contributed two thousand (2000) or more users will be entitled to receive three euros and ninety-nine cents ( 3.99 €) per month (VAT and other taxes included) for each active user who has contributed.
The partner will be entitled to receive each month the commission for the active users contributed, according to the above described. For this purpose, the calculation of the commission to be received by the partner will be made monthly.
The determination of the amount per user contributed to be received by the partner will be established according to the active users contributed by the same that remain registered on the web at the calculation date (zero (0) if less than five hundred (500), 10% if they are more than five hundred (500), 15% if they are more than one thousand (1000) and 20% if they are more than two thousand (2000)). The website allows each partner access to a panel where you can verify in real time the users who have registered with your code to know the commission that corresponds to you.
For this purpose, “partner” shall mean any person, whether natural or legal, who has registered as such in and to which a registration code has been assigned. This code will be unique and exclusive of the partner, allowing to identify those users who register by indication of the same.
“Active user” means a user who as user has not discharged and continues to meet promptly the monthly quotas that entitle the service.
Only the work of the partner will be considered the registration of those users who register using the partner’s registration code.
II.- Process of discharge.
a . To start acting as an ATELUR partner you will need to register as a partner in the .
Only individuals who are over 18 years old can be hired in their own name and right with legal capacity to contract, as well as legal entities through their legal representative.
b. Upon registration, the partner will choose a registration code that will serve to identify the users who register at the recommendation of the partner. Once registration is complete, the partner will be given access to the “partners” section of the web.
c. From the “partners” section, the user-partner will be able to check the number of registered users with their code and the cumulative invoicing that they entail for him.
III.- Payment to partners.
The partner will be entitled to receive each month the commission for the active users contributed, according to the criteria described in section 1 of this document. For this purpose, the calculation of the commission to be received by the partner will be made monthly through the panel of the web page
The determination of the amount per user contributed that must receive the partner will be established according to the active users contributed by the same that remain registered in the web to the date of calculation:
– 0 € if less than 500,
– 2 € (10% of the fee) if more than 500,
– 3 € (15% of the fee) if they are more than 1000, and
– 3.99 € (20% of the fee) if more than 2000.
The website allows each partner access to a panel where you can verify in real time the users who have registered with your code to receive the right to the commission.
Payment will be made within a maximum period of sixty (60) days from the end of the month to be collected.
IV.- Obligations of the partner.
a. The partner who is entitled to receive commissions for their services must issue an invoice for them. This invoice must be sent by e-mail to the address designated for this purpose on the website.
b. The partner agrees to provide truthful information about ATELUR and its service, as well as not to discredit or provide false information relating to them.
c. The partner will not be able to promise, or even offer, to its followers or followers contracting conditions with ATELUR other than those that ATELUR itself wishes to fix. In case of doing so, ATELUR will not be considered bound to such offer or promise in any case.
d. The partner undertakes to make a diligent and responsible use of all the material or distinctive sign that ATELUR puts at its disposal or whose use it authorizes.
c. The partner undertakes to visit on a regular basis the ATELUR website and to adapt its activity to any changes in the general conditions.
V.- Obligations of ATELUR.
a. ATELUR will be responsible for the design, execution, maintenance and correct operation of, as well as the algorithm calculation tool, with the objective of maintaining optimal quality and service ratios for the adequate performance of the same.
b. ATELUR will be responsible for the design of the corporate image of the platform as well as all the differentiating elements that help to increase a seal of guarantee to all buyers and enable them to maintain their activity over time.
c. ATELUR undertakes to manage payments to partners in the terms and deadlines set forth in this document.
VI.- Intellectual property.
Between the parties, all rights, titles and interests in any content provided by ATELUR to facilitate the promotion of its service, including all Intellectual Property Rights, are and will continue to be ATELUR.
VII.-Duration and termination
This Agreement will come into effect as soon as the partner is assigned an enrollment code and will be maintained until it is resolved in accordance with the conditions specified here.
This Agreement shall be for a period of three years, renewable for an annuality up to a maximum of six years. Such extension shall occur automatically provided that neither party has expressed its intention not to extend the notice with sixty (60) days in respect of the termination of the annuity.
The fact that the number of active users contributed by the partner fell to below 500 users, will not cause the suspension of the contract or the calculation of the terms of validity of the same but does not entitle to charge a commission any.
Either party may terminate the Agreement for any of the following reasons:
– For good cause upon notice of one (1) month written notice, or
– If the other bankruptcy or otherwise enters into liquidation (or equivalent) or is unable to meet its debts as they expire, or
– Failure to comply with the conditions set forth in this document, including, but not limited to, the following:
VIII.- Applicable law and jurisdiction.
This agreement is subject to Spanish law. Any dispute that may arise between both parties is submitted to the Jurisdiction and Jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Valencia capital with waiver of the jurisdiction that may correspond.
Septiembre 2017
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